A woman was rushed to hospital in California after surviving an ambush that left the car she was in riddled with bullets. The shooting occurred around 9.30 p.m. on Tuesday night in the area of 41st Drive and Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, according to an ABC7 report .
When the Los Angeles Police Department arrived on the scene, they found a woman, believed to be in her 30s, suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.
The windshield of the car she was in was riddled with dozens of bullet holes. Multiple bullet casings were also discovered at the scene.
The victim, who was not named, was breathing and conscious when the ambulance arrived. She spoke to both the police and emergency services as she was put into the ambulance by wheelchair.
Speaking to ABC7 News, LAPD Sgt. Craig Orange said the victim “is blessed to survive something of this magnitude.”
Police have said that the shooter escaped the area in a late model 4-door white sedan.
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